* Le CD, "The Embrace", de Natacha Mare m’a énormément impressionné. Natacha chante avec délicatesse, douceur et talent. Quelle voix admirable ! Quelle sensibilité ! Tout cela m‘a paru très émouvant et je lui prédis une grande et belle carrière. Tous mes compliments pour ce travail musical où la voix et les instruments forment un tout extrêmement uni, complémentaire et d’une exceptionnelle et même aristocratique qualité. Vraiment Natacha Mare a du talent et mérite d’être connue en France et ailleurs dans le monde car son interprétation forme, avec la musique qui la soutient, la prolonge parfois et l’accompagne toujours, un ensemble tout à la fois doux, accordé, harmonieux, mélodieux, rythmé avec émotion, raffin ement et subtilité. C’est du grand art car le registre de la voix est ample, très nuancé, capable de susciter une émotion réelle par la délicatesse très poétique de l’expression.
Admiration sincère !!!
Jacques Cortès,
Chevalier des Palmes académiques,
Chevalier de l’Ordre national du mérite
Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur
NATASSA MARE Moumtzidou has sung, taught, participated in a series of high-level festivals, and collaborated with important organizations such as the 30th International Society of Music Education – ISME, European Youth Parliament, Women Creators of the Two Seas by Unesco, European Worldwide Fest., JFK Jazz Fest., Gaia Fest., Continental Artists Fest., Sur Les Chemins d' Oxor, Festival de Multilingualism, etc. She collaborated with MEGARON Concert Hall of Thessaloniki, the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, the War Museum, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Historical Center, the Goethe Institut and the Institut Francais, the Region of Central Macedonia National Office, the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Culture, Education & Tourism, the Greek University of Fine Arts, the Consular Authorities, the Foundation of Mother Studies, the Polytechnic School of Aristotle University, the National Television Orchestra, the State and Private Television etc. She organized, collaborated with, and has been part of a variety of musical and theatrical performances.
With personal discography [«a», 2006 - «The Embrace» with British guitarist and composer Jason Carter, 2008 - «Seul à Trois», 2010 - «RΕΜpetiko», 2014 ] for which she has received great critical acclaim from Greek and International press and recordings for other artists [«Poria» by George Binihakis, 2006 - «Ti amo» by Canadian Composer Eric Lemieux, 2010 - «Inside Me» by George Varsamakis, 2018] she is a member of Artists Without Frontiers and collaborates with Christine Alavoine, Marc Roger, Jason Carter, Eric Lemieux, David Moore, Wolfgang Fuhr, Hans Fickelscher and other artists around the world. Within the context of her involvement in the contemporary musical field and free improvisation, she has recorded at the Centre of Contemporary Music Research of Athens / KSYME (founded by Iannis Xenakis) for world-class Greek composer Nickos Harizanos and collaborated with KSYMEnsemble. She has also held a series of seminars and workshops in Greece and abroad based on free expression and improvisation through vocal art and the exploitation of ambient sounds. Also, based on the publication of her book for children, entitled «The Hare of Whatever», she held a series of seminars, presentations, and workshops concerning the emergence of language using always as an element the ability of free improvisation [ Children's Museum of Thessaloniki, Town Hall of the same city, bookstores and art venues ]. In 2011, with her 8-member music ensemble «Mediterra», she gave a series of concerts based on the Mediterranean sound. At the same time, she was performing also with «Seul à trois», «kmnTrio», «Natassa Mare 4tet», and the internationally acclaimed Greek percussionist Nikos Touliatos, who was in charge of the musical part of the Grand Opening and Final Ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, and with whom she cooperates until today in improvisational/avant-garde concerts.
In 2012 she performed the main role of MEDEA at the Greek tragedy «MEDEA/SPARAGMATA» of Euripides, under the auspice of the 30th International Conference of ISME (International Society for Music Education) at MEGARON Concert Hall of Thessaloniki. This work, composed by world-class composer Nickos Harizanos, was awarded as an innovation into the contemporary music field, for the extraordinary combination of ancient Greek music with traditional Greek themes, through the composer's unique contemporary way of writing and the fine free improvisational art of Natassa Mare, and received honorable prices from Boston Contemporary Opera, USA and Opera Actuel, Montreal, Canada. In 2014 she began collaborating with the exceptional Greek jazz trio «APOPSIS», performing at some of the greatest jazz festivals and concert halls, such as the 1st International Jazz Festival | Kozani, the MEGARON Concert Hall of Thessaloniki, the War Museum Department of Thessaloniki, etc. In 2013 after the invitation of PARALLAXI org., she presented with great success her new work at THEATERHAUS, Stuttgart, Germany. In 2015, she collaborated with internationally acclaimed Italian filmmaker Marcantonio Lunardi and the great Greek composer Tania Giannouli, recording for Lunardi's new project, entitled «THE IDOL». This collaboration premiered at the Contemporary Art University of Bologna, Italy, and already has been presented in a series of international festivals and competitions. The same year, she also collaborated with the great Canadian composer Eric Lemieux. His work has been released internationally. Lemieux's album entitled «Ti Amo» includes experimental music and music for films.
In 2017 she collaborated with the Greek composer Dimitris Maramis in a unique concert at ROTONDA, one of the world’s heritage monuments of the 4th century. During the same period, she performed at the ROYAL THEATER of Thessaloniki and also with her Duet with Nikos Touliatos together they performed at the 3rd EUROPEAN FESTIVAL ELEPHANTASTICO invited by the Municipality of Thessaloniki and ACTION ART. In 2018, she was invited to the Europäischer Kultursommer Festival Fellbach, Stuttgart along with her quintet. The concert got dithyrambic critical acclaim from the German press. The same year the quintet performed at MEGARON Concert Hall of Thessaloniki in a co-production of MCH and Goethe Institut. Also, in 2018 she collaborated with the Symphony Orchestra of Thessaloniki due to the Opening Ceremony of the 53rd DIMITRIA International Festival. The next year she presented her work based on traditional Greek music to the 54th DIMITRIA International Festival in collaboration with the same Orchestra [SOTH]. The same year she was the inspirer and in charge of the Sound of Art Festival in collaboration with the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki. In 2020, invited for the third time by Kalimera e.V. - Deutsch-Griechische Kulturinitiative, she performed with her quintet at the Theaterhaus, Stuttgart in a grand concert, performed in Concert Hall [MEGARON MOUSSIKIS] of ATHENS in a collaboration with the amazing jazz musicians Nikos Touliatos, Andreas Symvoulopoulos and Andreas Mniestris and also released her new album with her compositions for piano, entitled "CHORUS OF THE MOON".
Natassa Mare Moumtzidou is a founding member of the international organization «Interaction International ADELPHOPOIESIS» and was a Member of the «Greek Association of Tourism Journalists & Writers – EDSTE» which collaborates with international, long-range organizations such as UNESCO, FIJET, OMJET. She collaborates as a journalist and a radio producer with the Main Radio Station of the Municipality of Thessaloniki FM 100.6.